Sunday, May 07, 2006
So, we start here ...
... right where we are. Looks like the few entries I had on my other blog were wiped out. Ah, such are the ways of the Universe, I suppose.

I've been working with Rose Rosetree for almost three years now - learning Aura Reading, Spiritual Healing techniques and all kinds of interesting things. I've even had her do a "Past Life Regression" for me (and how cool was that??). She is a vibrant, amazing person. Many of her students have started blogs on various topics that might be of interest to those who are interested in learning more about these types of metaphysical concepts. You can check those out by going here - the Portal of Deeper Perception right on Rose's site.

My contribution to the cause? This here little blog where I plan to discuss all kinds of things - not only those taught by Rose but also things I've learned along the way from so many of my teachers and mentors.

My vision declaration is the quote by Ghandi at the top of the page: "Be the change you wish to see in this world." Being = doing. That is sometimes the hard part for me. Mostly, I like to sit around and think about these concepts and mull them over in my head. Getting out and DOING them is another matter altogether. Yet, the time is definitely coming for me to do that. Wanna hold my hand as I get up and running? :)
posted by Lisa at 8:28 AM | Permalink |


  • At 6:10 PM, Blogger Anita

    Hi Lisa,

    It's so fun to see your new blog :) Pink is a lovely color and easy on the eyes. My favorite scarf is also pink (a Christmas gift from my mom one year).

    So true and apt, the title of your blog. It wasn't until my late twenties to early thirties that I started acting on these words. At my University, everyone wants to be a "leader" -- well, who is going to do the real "work" if we are all out leading? We have many groups and leaders with not much going on in these groups. ;)

    I started to be an ESL tutor in my late twenties and now I mentor a first-year minority pre-med student at my University. It is such a small thing I can do, but I am helping at least one other person who could really benefit from any advice I can pass along.

    I also try to be cooperative with other students and classmates and be a "team player" when I can. So often, we can help the world by the little gestures and random acts of kindness and service we provide each day. We don't have to change the world (and often we can't), but we *can* change our corner of the world and the world that we inhabit around us through our actions and our attitude toward life and others -- our cheerfulness, compassion, understanding, and willingness to meet others half-way.

    Now, I'm a rather snarky sort of person, but the snark now co-exists with a desire to be of service. Of course, it also helps greatly that I have wonderful family and friends who don't hesitate to put me in my place when I am becoming too snarky! Which does happen. ;)

    Good luck with this blog, keep writing, and have fun snarking on both blogs.

    Snarky tiny bubbles,

    Effervescent Anita (which I adore, BTW, thank you!)