Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Come visit me at my new blog ...
Into the Mystic is my new space and I imported all the posts from here over there.

Thanks for checking in! And please come visit!
posted by Lisa at 7:12 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Ah! The blessings of teachers!
When I was at the village in October, we had a day long workshop given by Katherine James, Ph.D. (my advisor, btw) on Esoteric Insights to Death. Present at this workshop was someone I had never met (well, there were LOTS of people I hadn't met!) but I was particularly struck by Risa. Her comments during the presentation showed amazing depth and knowledge of the Wisdom Teachings and added significantly to the discussion. Tooling around the Sancta Sophia site, I noticed that the weekly astrology readings and commentary were written by Risa. So, I've started reading them to see what each week's energy may bring.

This week's forecast for Libra said this:

You may have been thinking of how to help those in sorrow, who need care and thoughtfulness, kindness and understanding. In the month to come you will reach out to those in need in a more spacious manner. All judgments of others, especially family members, you will find are not useful to you. Nor are they Right Human Relations. Something teaches you this.

A confession: In the past, I have been a very judgmental person. I am less so now but constantly have to be conscious of those thoughts seeping into my mind and heart. I realize, as Wayne Dyer has pointed out, that judging someone is not at all about them but about my need to judge. My need to feel "better than" someone else. I know I swing from feeling vastly superior to everyone (ha! I know. Isn't that sad?) to feeling like a piece of crap (sad as well). Who I am lies somewhere in the middle, most days. Do I have gifts and skills that make me a cool chick? Yep. Do I have things about myself that I need to work on? Oh yes. I'm thankful for being conscious of those things and making my way forward. Read more ยป
posted by Lisa at 10:12 AM | Permalink | 3 comments
Monday, October 08, 2007
One of my favorite prayers
(crossposted at The Healing Change)

Make Me Strong in Spirit

Mother and Father God,
Make me strong in spirit,
Courageous in action,
Gentle of heart,

Let me act in wisdom,
Conquer my fear and doubt,
Discover my own hidden gifts,

Meet others with compassion,
Be a source of healing energies,
And face each day with hope and joy.
posted by Lisa at 8:27 PM | Permalink | 1 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
What is forgiveness?
Forgiveness is never saying something was 'ok' - forgiveness says, I give your actions in my past no power over the goodness in my future. Forgiveness frees you up - it has little to do with the other.

This quote, taken from a newsletter published by Ann Albers, really hit me. In the past six months, I've had an experience that hurt me on so many levels. I felt betrayed, sad, used, and a host of other things. And as much as I try to walk my talk on the whole "what you think about expands" idea, I could not seem to let it go and "forgive" what had happened. For someone who has never really been a grudge holder, this felt quite foreign to me. I was angry. Angrier than I have been in a while. And try as I might, I could not let it go.

That is, until I read these words by Ann. And it totally came together for me. "I give your actions no power over me" - wow. I realized how much of my power I've given away, not only in this instance, but in many relationships. My mom went to her grave holding on to hurts 30 years in the past. She carried it with her to the end. And while I will never know for sure, it is my sense that this emotional pain contributed to her physical pain.

We all have had experiences that hurt us deeply. Some things seem so difficult to forgive. Yet, this statement says "I choose not to give this power over how I feel". Easy to say, very hard to put into practice. I choose. I can choose. That alone was hard for me to grasp. (Those people pleasers out there will totally understand this, I'm sure.) Wayne Dyer has a mantra that says "I choose peace rather than this." Again saying I CHOOSE.

With the decision to CHOOSE comes responsibility for those choices. We will talk more about that another day. For now, consider that forgiveness allows you to release that which no longer serves you and opens the door to new energy.

What are your thoughts?
posted by Lisa at 11:30 PM | Permalink | 2 comments
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Rose, auras and Bill Bauman
Have you had a chance to read Rose Rosetree's latest 'zine? If not, give it a read now and then come on back.

All ready? Good. :) Rose takes a look at Bill Bauman, one of her teachers and mentors, in anticipation of his workshop this month. What a beautiful aura he has. So service oriented and gentle, isn't it? It's rare, even in the mystical "woo-woo" community, to find one as pure as his. One of the things I love about Rose's method of reading auras is that you don't have to see colors or patterns or anything like that. For many of us (myself included), it's about tuning in and getting impressions and feelings that give you a bit of information about the person.

For example, I'm quite the verbal person. So it should come as no surprise that much of the information I get when tuning in comes as words. I "hear" words and, as Rose taught, follow along with the questioning technique. If I don't understand what I'm getting, I simply ask "what does that mean?" and the answer usually comes right through.

Once, as I was holding my husband's hand and tuning in to see what was going on with him,I heard the words "the stranger". I had no idea on that one at all. So, I asked what that meant and I heard (or so I thought) "mueseli". That wasn't much help and as I was turning that over in my mind, I heard "No. MU-SIC-LY". After asking my husband what he was thinking about, he said he was humming his favorite song "The Stranger" by Billy Joel. The moral of the story is this: don't be afraid to ask if what you get sounds weird (like mueseli!). The universe, in all its magnificent wisdom, will help you "get it". Truly.

Please feel free to comment if something Rose said in her 'zine piqued your interest. Each month she teaches her readers a bit more about this amazing field and how you can put it to use in your own life.

Don't forget to check out Rose's classes and intensives and especially Bill's workshop "Expanding your healing gifts".
posted by Lisa at 7:41 PM | Permalink | 3 comments
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Beginning once again
Hello again!

I am coming back to this blog because this has been a wonderful vessel for my thoughts and musings on matters spiritual.

"A writer takes his pen to write the words again ...." - Paul Simon

Consider the pen taken up once again.
posted by Lisa at 8:26 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Shifting over
Come join me at my new blog called The Healing Change where I continue the conversations of all things spiritual and woo-woo.

And if you're stopping by from Rose's 'zine, leave a comment and say hi!

posted by Lisa at 11:15 PM | Permalink | 0 comments