Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Rose, auras and Bill Bauman
Have you had a chance to read Rose Rosetree's latest 'zine? If not, give it a read now and then come on back.

All ready? Good. :) Rose takes a look at Bill Bauman, one of her teachers and mentors, in anticipation of his workshop this month. What a beautiful aura he has. So service oriented and gentle, isn't it? It's rare, even in the mystical "woo-woo" community, to find one as pure as his. One of the things I love about Rose's method of reading auras is that you don't have to see colors or patterns or anything like that. For many of us (myself included), it's about tuning in and getting impressions and feelings that give you a bit of information about the person.

For example, I'm quite the verbal person. So it should come as no surprise that much of the information I get when tuning in comes as words. I "hear" words and, as Rose taught, follow along with the questioning technique. If I don't understand what I'm getting, I simply ask "what does that mean?" and the answer usually comes right through.

Once, as I was holding my husband's hand and tuning in to see what was going on with him,I heard the words "the stranger". I had no idea on that one at all. So, I asked what that meant and I heard (or so I thought) "mueseli". That wasn't much help and as I was turning that over in my mind, I heard "No. MU-SIC-LY". After asking my husband what he was thinking about, he said he was humming his favorite song "The Stranger" by Billy Joel. The moral of the story is this: don't be afraid to ask if what you get sounds weird (like mueseli!). The universe, in all its magnificent wisdom, will help you "get it". Truly.

Please feel free to comment if something Rose said in her 'zine piqued your interest. Each month she teaches her readers a bit more about this amazing field and how you can put it to use in your own life.

Don't forget to check out Rose's classes and intensives and especially Bill's workshop "Expanding your healing gifts".
posted by Lisa at 7:41 PM | Permalink |


  • At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Hey Lisa,

    I'm glad to see that you are writing for this blog again. It's so good to see your words.

    Thank you for sharing your own insight about Bill Bauman's aura and your story about your husband. I cherished hearing your input and thoughts.

    Keep writing. An appreciative reader, Anita

  • At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Hey Lisa,

    It's great to see you writing again. I loved your insight into Bill Bauman's aura and your story about your husband.

    Keep writing.

    An appreciative reader, Anita

  • At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Lisa, thanks so much for writing about Bill and me. Bill's website is www.billbauman.net. He offers a free teleconference the last Tuesday of each month, just the thing if you need inspiration or wisdom. (And if you never do, maybe you should be giving your OWN teleconferences!)

    I have two items of news. My first blog is just over a week old. You're invited to visit and comment at www.rose-rosetree.com/blog. Also, I have a new book being published on Monday, Sept. 17, CUT CORDS OF ATTACHMENT: HEAL YOURSELF AND OTHERS WITH ENERGY SPIRITUALITY. I am looking for some good book reviewers, so if you know anyone who likes to read and write and is interested in this kind of material, please have them send an email to rose[add at sign]rose-rosetree.com.

    Love to you, Lisa.

    Rose Rosetree