Thursday, July 27, 2006
All my life I've fought discipline. As my mom was very busy taking care of me and my very sick dad most of my childhood, I was left to my own devices (mostly books) so I really wasn't forced to do anything, in general.

I tend to be very undisciplined and while it's not hurt me in life, I think I might have reached certain goals earlier than I did. Now, at age 45, I am learning the concept of "healthy discipline".

One of the things I've chosen to do as part of the healthy discipline has been twice daily showers. The philosophy behind this particular discipline is that as we go through our day, we pull in energies and vibrations of other people, places and situations. By showering in the evening, we wash that off us and purify our body for sleep. And believe it or not, the work you do in the dream state also accumulates various energies that need to be washed away to prepare for your day. When my teacher mentioned this process, I asked what changes come about by doing it. She responded (enigmatically) "Well, you try it and tell me!". Not the answer I wanted but it did pique my interest. It took me about three days to start a routine that included the twice daily bathings but after a week or so, I noticed that I didn't feel draggy every day. I didn't wake up with a "heavyosity" around me that had been following me and which I attributed to depression. That was very interesting to notice and it was a gradual awakening sort of like "hey! I feel pretty good every day! Hmmmm."

And that feeling has helped reinforce the benefit of this discipline. I've been doing it for about three weeks now and it's especially served me well while taking care of my mom who is in the hospital for surgery. After a full day of ministering to her needs, it feels good to just wash all that off and go to sleep free of yucky energy.

Healthy discipline - I think I rather like this concept!
posted by Lisa at 8:13 AM | Permalink |


  • At 1:16 PM, Blogger Anita

    Yes, there is something to this - I am reading Power Prayer by Chrissie and Gary Glaze, and they talk about taking a shower before prayer practice - for the same reasons you just described in your post. This book talks about how even just 10 minutes of prayer/day can make a great difference (no matter what your religious affiliation is or isn't).

    I was showering 2x/day when on my clinical rotations, but I wasn't sure why - as soon as I'd come home from the hospital, I would step into the shower, and that felt great. It was like the "transition" into home/evening time.

    I will go back to this practice, thank you for reminding me! I suppose I've been doing it after going to water aerobics class at the gym, but I'll be more conscious of doing it every day and when I don't go to this class.


  • At 10:52 PM, Blogger Anita

    I just saw this today and was reminded of your post:

    July 28, 2006
    Knowing What’s to Come
    Aquarius Daily Horoscope
    Even if distractions threaten to divert your attention away from your daily roster of tasks, you may nonetheless feel compelled to abide by your routine today. Discipline may be your watchword, and your approach to both work and play may be highly focused. You’ll likely address your duties with a fierce determination that helps you finish every project you devote yourself to not only on time but also creatively and artfully. You may draw power from your regimen, taking comfort in its ability to guide you through your day. Uncertainty will likely have little power to disconcert you because your adherence to your routine grounds you in the present. Today may be the day you begin a new and lifelong journey of mindful and resolute accomplishment.

    Living a disciplined life where a thoughtfully crafted routine plays a key role can help you establish a predictable rhythm that guides you effortlessly through a variety of situations. Expected events and unanticipated choices can paralyze us by pressing us into a mind-set of indecision that blocks us from moving forward. When you approach your personal and professional lives in a disciplined way and abide by a routine, your next step, as well as your answers to many of the conundrums placed in your path by the universe, is almost always clearly defined. The energy you conserve by following a routine can then be used to reflect upon life’s mysteries. The discipline that drives you today will help you find a stride that will carry you forward in good times and bad.

  • At 8:43 AM, Blogger Kelly Curtis

    I LOVE your blog title quote. I've used it often. It is really fantastic.