The five Reiki principles start with those words: Just for today and I realize that this day is the only one I can act on (in the present moment) and be concerned about. I happened upon this blog Eat4today which incorporates the same theme of being present in your life JUST FOR TODAY and applies it to eating.
One of the things Regina mentioned is that as she and her fellow students were going through their seminary studies, most (if not all) began to gain weight, as if to ground themselves as they took in so much light and higher vibrational energy. As they learned to integrate it into their being, they gradually lost the weight. I shan't blame my recent and alarming (to me!) weight gain on my forays into the world of high vibrations (since I've been in this world for going on 4 years now) yet I don't think it's totally about filling a void, either. Perhaps, in my case, it's a blend of the two. As I move fully into the world of woo-woo, it will require me to surround myself with and integrate those higher blasts of energy but that also means that I must make a stronger effort to remain grounded. Eating is, of course, one of the premier ways of grounding. In fact, I'd dare say that many lightworkers and empaths have food issues for that very reason.
I look at this issue as a call to learn ways of grounding that are much kinder to my body than hauling around extra poundage and making me sad that I can't fit in my clothes. The Universe is posing a challenge to me: What will *I* do (just for today) that allows me to keep that amazing energy in my body but also allows me to do what I need to in the physical world? So, that's my question to myself today.
Just for today, how can I ground myself without eating food my body doesn't need? I shall ponder this as I clear off my dining room table of the enormous piles of paper and crap I've accumulated over the past month.
BTW, here are the Reiki Principles as handed down by Dr. Mikao Usui:
Just for today, I shall not anger.
Just for today, I will make my living honestly.
Just for today, I will honor my parents, elders and teachers.
Just for today, I will honor every living thing.
I have read several entries and I promise to check back daily! I like your style and the way you present your thoughts and ideas.